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Accessing OAJA’s Wiley subscription to the online Journal of Analytical Psychology

There are four steps to get started and they have to be done in this order:
  1. Register as a Wiley user (Wiley is the company that provides access to online journals).
  2. Confirm your email address.
  3. Link your Wiley user account to the OAJA Journal of Analytical Psychology (JAP) subscription.
  4. Log in to the OAJA shared subscription page to view the Journals
Here are the detailed steps – please follow them exactly as instructed below:
  1. Register with your email address, first and last name, create a password for Wiley access, select country and area of interest here, click I’m not a robot, then click the blue Register button at lower-right (*record your Wiley password for future reference): http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/user-registration
  2. A one-time confirmation email will be sent to your email address. You must do what that email asks to verify your email address before proceeding. Thereafter your email address will be your Wiley login “name.”
  3. Next go to the Wiley Online Library homepage to link your Wiley account to the OAJA subscription: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/societyMemberLogin/OAJA.
    1. If prompted (this may not happen) enter your Wiley Online Library login (email address & password that you set in step 1 above).
    2. In the Membership Number field enter none (the word ‘none’ must be keyed in).
    3. Enter your Access Code: the code that Julia Barry emailed you.
    4. Click the Log In button at lower-right corner.
    5. Log out then log in again to refresh your journal access (click your name at upper-right corner, then click Logout, then click the link above in step 3 to log in again).
  4. Once you’ve done the above three steps, this shortcut takes you directly to the JAP page, and you won’t have to log in again on the same device, so long as you haven’t logged out (but be sure to record your Wiley password for future logins): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14685922
  5. NB: please be sure record your Wiley password as you alone will know what it is
    (OAJA won’t know it).