We Think with our Hearts:
Reading Jung through Native Eyes
Presenter name: Jeanne Lacourt, visiting Analyst
This presentation will review how some of Jung’s ideas (mis)represented Native cultures. The notion of the “primitive,” participation mystique, dreams, and animals will be explored. 13 psychic paradigms, dominion and reciprocity, will point to important differences between Indigenous and Western cosmologies and may offer a path away from our current trend toward self-destruction.
Jeanne Lacourt
Jeanne A. Lacourt, M.S., L.P.C., N.C.C., Ph.D., is a Professor of American Indian Studies at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, a faculty member of the Minnesota Seminar in Jungian Studies, and a Jungian Analyst in private practice. She has authored a book on traditional Indian Education, edited a book on racial issues in the United States, and her articles in Spring Journal focus on the intersections of Indigenous and Jungian Studies. She is most intrigued with the theme of human-animal transformation in Indigenous origin stories. Her home community is with the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin