Supporting our work has its benefits
Anyone can be a Patron. Patronage is for everyone interested in Jungian Philosophy who wants to support the CG Jung Foundation of Ontario. This includes local and international Jungian Analysts who are not members of OAJA. Patrons receive reduced prices on seminars, classes, and workshops. Plus, they may borrow up to three books per week from the Fraser Boa Library.
Patronage is invaluable. It assists the Jung Foundation in sustaining and spreading the vital work and philosophy of CG Jung and solidifies one’s place in the local Jungian community.
$50/monthly Distinguished Patrons receive free admission to all in-person and online lectures, discounts to all seminars, classes, and workshops, plus library borrowing privileges.
$30/monthly Sustaining Patrons receive free admission to all in-person and online lectures, discounts to all seminars, classes, and workshops, plus library borrowing privileges.
$3/monthly General Patrons receive $5 off all in-person and online lectures, seminars, classes, and workshops plus library borrowing privileges.
All memberships receive charitable donation tax receipts.
Non-OAJA-trained Jungian Analysts are encouraged to join OAJA
Members of the IAAP from across the globe who were not trained via the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts Training Program are welcome to join OAJA and receive the benefits of membership.
To practice in Ontario, Jungian Analysts must hold accreditation through the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario or have a license to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy recognized by the Ontario College of Registered Psychotherapists.
Log in for OAJA Jungian Analysts and training candidates
Access and download materials for OAJA analysts and training candidates, including candidate documents, analyst documents, training program brochures, upcoming meetings, and regulations
Be part of the Jungian community
Volunteers are greatly appreciated and always welcome. Their work is invaluable at the Fraser Boa Library and our public events. Benefits include free admission to selected seminars, classes, and workshops, as well as access to the Fraser Boa Library.
A declaration from the OAJA Board of Directors
A declaration from the OAJA Board of Directors
We respectfully acknowledge our home on the sacred and Traditional Territories of the Anishinabek, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations, Haudenosaunee, and Huron-Wendat.
We acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Williams Treaties signed with Peoples of the Mississaugas and Chippewa Nations.
We support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action
and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
We recognize the enduring presence of Indigenous Peoples and that Toronto/Tkaronto continues to be home to many Indigenous Nations.
We are grateful for the opportunity to work, learn, and dream on these sacred lands and we thank the past, present, and future caretakers of this land for their stewardship.
Going forward, we will continue reflecting upon our actions and devising new ways to foster communities of sharing. We commit to practices that engage all who inhabit these territories and we will pursue new ways of supporting these initiatives.
The Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts recognizes how collective shadow and cultural complexes can create negative projections onto vulnerable populations, visible minorities, and Indigenous communities and is dedicated to raising awareness about these dynamics as part of its mandate. We aspire to raise consciousness about inequities and biases in interactions that demean the dignity and worth of others through training and education and as a matter of organizational policy. As a Canadian organization, we also support the Canadian Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action which acknowledges Canada’s history of systematic oppression of its indigenous population requiring ongoing recognition and remediation.
Jungian Philosophy within reach
The Arts & Letters Club building in downtown Toronto, where OAJA and the CG Jung Foundation of Ontario public and training events occur, is wheelchair accessible. Every effort is taken to ensure public events are accessible to all. Please send accessibility inquiries to the OAJA Coordinator/Administrator here.
OAJA Ethics Code 2024 excerpts
The concept that guides and drives the distinctive professional practice of Jungian analysis is the relationship between conscious and unconscious that is informed by the underlying archetypal ‘blueprint,’ the collective unconscious. The value of that principle is its therapeutic intention towards the process of individuation.
The Jungian culture and its resultant ethos reflect that distinctive relationship held in Jung’s referent: the temenos as a sacred space.
The ethos–spirit, character – underpinning Jungian practice extends beyond professional boundary-keeping and the usual tenets of ethical, professional behaviour. The value of the temenos is not confined to Analyst-Analysand relationship but is inherent in the symbolic
thinking that attaches to all areas of OAJA Jungian practice whether it be Analyst to Analysand, Analyst to Analyst, Analyst to training Candidate, Analyst Selection Committee member to Candidate on admission or after admission into training, group supervision leader to group supervision Candidates. It informs the principles of transference/countertransference matters
OAJA Ethics Code
The full OAJA Ethics Code is available for analyst members and training candidates after logging in
related to all the above stated individual relationships as well as to group sessions within the training forum (group supervision, seminars).
1. Analysts and Candidates shall conduct themselves according to the highest ethical standards and shall hold the interest of their Analysand to be paramount. This responsibility is central to being a Jungian Analyst.
2. This Code applies to all Analyst members of OAJA, to Selection Committees, to all Candidates of the OAJA training program (ATP), and to ATP Faculty.
3. This Code pertains to the work of Candidates with those Analysands who are registered with OAJA.
4. A reminder that besides OAJA’s Code of Ethics and Practice, Analysts are under the jurisdiction of other codes of ethics. For example, the IAAP, CRPO, and other Colleges.
OAJA Analyst Training Program Sexual Violence Policy
OAJA is committed to preventing sexual violence against its candidates and provides disciplinary processes regarding this if it involves an OAJA analyst or a fellow candidate. This policy and its procedures are created to protect candidates from sexual violence within OAJA and to support them if they experience it and choose to report it and/or make a complaint. The procedures are also implemented to ensure that the alleged perpetrator faces appropriate and just sanctions under the aegis of OAJA.
Note: Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent anyone from reporting this incident to the police for investigative purposes and possible criminal sanctions.
1. Definition
‘Sexual Violence’ can include physical assault and/or forcible confinement for sexual purposes as well as attempted sexual violence. It also includes non-consenting sexual relations brought about by an imbalance of power in the relationship resulting in threats meant to bring about sexual relations. Specifically, it can include sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.
Section 1.16.5 of Bylaw 4 (Discipline) also provides a detailed definition of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct amounting to Professional Misconduct.
2. Support and Services for the Candidate
For any candidate reporting an incident or making a complaint about being affected by sexual violence in the training programme the initial step is to contact the DoT (Director of Training) who will assist the candidate along whatever path they wish to take and treat the report with strict confidentiality. OAJA will provide support and/or services at no expense to the complainant including:
Note: The candidate is not required to pursue a formal complaint in order to avail themselves of the support services offered under this section.
3. Investigative Procedures if a Report/Complaint of Sexual Violence is Made
Note: Should the complainant wish, they may have an analyst or fellow candidate accompany them during any stage of the process including making oral submissions on their behalf.
General refund & cancellation policy
Full refunds will be given in the case of course, workshop, or seminar cancellation including cancellation due to low attendance.
Events are likely to be cancelled if five or fewer attendees are registered one week before the event start. Although a small number of tickets are usually available for purchase at the door, early registration is strongly encouraged.
If you cannot attend a course, workshop, or seminar, you may transfer your ticket, free of charge to a future event within the same calendar year as long as the request is submitted a minimum of two weeks before the original event. Requests can be sent to .
No refunds will be given for cancellations with less than two weeks notice or for no-shows.
All other cancellations are subject to a $5 administrative fee.
OAJA & The Jung Foundation 2024
The Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts and the CG Jung Foundation of Ontario (“us”, “we”, or “our”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it by complying with this policy.
We operate a website using the URLs,, and (the “Site”). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site.
We use your Personal Information only for providing and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.
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This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2024.01.15 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page.
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If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us, or by placing a prominent notice on our website.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us here.